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Carlton Miniott Primary Academy is a Good School with Outstanding Behaviour and Attitudes - OFSTED SEPT 2023

In the Early Years Foundation Stage children learn through a balance of both teacher led and child initiated activities.  Our curriculum is deliberately planned in order to enable our children to achieve the Early Learning Goals. Everything we do is based on careful observations of the children so that we can tailor the learning environment and plan activities that are engaging, motivating and exciting. 

 For a window into our classroom, please join our facebook group.  You will receive updates, reminders, photos and videos. 

Please search for Class R at Carlton Miniott Primary Academy 2023 and ask to join our private group Class R 2023 News Feed.

The theme for Summer 2 is Journeys


We will be going on several journeys in the local area; to the herb farm, the church and to Carlton Lodge for the FOS Framble. 

We will study maps and aerial photos to see where we are and where we have been. 

We will then go on to learn about journeys by land, air and sea to destinations around the world, using atlases and globes to identify continents and countries. 

We will learn about Ghana and our link school in Accra, which is called Diamond Hill.

Mr Westley will ‘fly’ us to Europe, once we have made him an aeroplane!

We will journey by sea across the Caribbean to meet pirates.

Finally, we will reflect on our personal journeys through our first year in school and look forward to moving on into Year 1.

The children will have three morning visits to Class 1 and several opportunities to meet their new teacher.

We will celebrate the end of our Reception year with a visit to Newby Hall. 

Phew!  After all that, I think we will be ready for a holiday.

Diary Dates

Pop-up library -  11th June, 25th June, 9th July

Swimming lessons - Thursday 9th May until Thursday 20th June


Visit to Herb Unlimited - Wednesday 5th June

Visit to church with Rev Dawn -Thursday 6th June

FOS Framble - Friday 7th June

Sponsored Skip for New Life Ghana -Friday 14th June

Transition to Y1 mornings Mon 8th, Tues 9th, Wed 10th July

Visit to Newby Hall – Thursday 11th July

Sports Day – Tuesday 16th July


 Please click the link to see the class newsletter for further details. 

Class R Summer 2 newsletter


Thank you for your support. 

  Please don't hesitate to contact me if you need any help or advice. 

Click here to visit the September 2022 starters page.

Muddy Monday

We spend every Monday morning in our wildlife area, 'The Secret Garden.'  We call this Muddy Monday.

We can supply all the children with a full set of fleece-lined waterproofs but ask that parents provide a pair of wellies to keep at school.  Thank you.


We have two PE sessions each week.  This term we will be working on multi-skills with small apparatus and athletics.

Weather permitting, all sessions will be outdoors this term.

We wear trainers or plimsols for outdoor PE on the yard or the field.

Please ensure that all PE kit is clearly labelled with your child's name. PE bags should be brought to school on Monday and taken home for a wash at the end of the week. 

When we start our swimming lessons, this will replace our Thursday PE lesson. The children will need swimwear and a towel in a named bag. Please send them in 'easy' clothes -no tights or button-through shirts!  Thank you.

Reading is a high priority at our school.  We want our children to develop a love of books and become life-long readers. In Class R we tell stories and share books several times a day and the children have daily opportunities to develop and practise their reading skills.  

The children will bring home books from our class library for you to read to them. These books should be returned every Wednesday in order for your child to select a new one.

The children will also bring home reading books for them to read to you.  These books are designed to help them practise their developing reading skills and will be carefully matched to the phonics we are learning in class.

You will find details of reading book change day in your child’s reading record.

In order to build confidence and fluency it is really valuable if children can read the same book several times. 

It is best to study and chat about the picture BEFORE reading the words.  We don't encourage the use of pictures as a way of guessing words  (always use phonics for unknown words) but pictures are great for enhancing the enjoyment of the books.

Can your child talk about the characters?  How are they feeling?  What might they be saying?

Can your child talk about the events?  What has happened so far?  What might happen next?

Can your child talk about the setting?  Where is the story taking place?  What time of day is it?

 Click here for further information about reading in Class R.

Please visit our Bedtime Stories Page where you will find lots of stories to enjoy. 

We follow a scheme called 'Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised.' 

  1. Click the links for more information.

Little Wandle for Parents

How to pronounce each sound demonstration video.

Autumn Term Guide

 Spring Term Guide

Capital Letter Formation Guide

In the Summer term there are no new graphemes to learn. We move on to Phase 4 of Letters and Sounds. 

In this Phase, children learn to read words with close consonants.  There are also several more tricky words to practise.

We will be practising writing sentences with capital letters and full stops.  Please see the guide for capital letter formation.

These are the high frequency words that children should be able to read and spell by the end of Reception.

This is a great way for your child to practise their phonics skills.

Please see your child's reading record for login details for our spelling scheme.

 New lists will be added every Thursday.  


Our maths is mostly active and practical.  We follow a scheme called White Rose Maths.

We are using the Numberblocks to build up a deep understanding of numbers and number composition.

This term we will continue working on composition of numbers up to 10 and learning all doubles and halves up to 10.  We will also be practising counting in 2s and 10s up to 20 and up to 100 in 1s.  We will be investigating multiplication and division by grouping and sharing.

Please follow the link to find resources to support the use of Numberblocks episodes at home.

Numberblocks at Home

Visit Topmarks Early Years section and explore these counting games.

Click here for a number formation video. 

Spring 2 - branching out, investigating, solving problems

Spring 1 - learning to work together, sharing and collaborating

Autumn 2 - taking risks, seeking out challenge, applying skills in new contexts 

Autumn 1 - a time for exploring the learning environments, establishing routines,

making new friends and building confidence.