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Pupil Premium

The Government introduced the Pupil Premium Grant in April 2011. This grant, which is additional to main school funding, is seen by the government as the best way to address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for free school meals (FSM) or from Service families and their peers, by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most. The Pupil Premium is allocated to schools and is clearly identifiable. Schools can decide how the Pupil Premium is spent, since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individual pupils within their responsibility. 

Click here to read the  Governor Policy on Pupil Premium


Click here to see 24-25 Pupil Premium Strategy Statement

Click here to see 23-24 Pupil Premium Strategy Statement

Click here to see 22-23 Pupil Premium Strategy Statement

Click here to see 21-22 Pupil Premium Strategy Statement

Click here to see 20-21 Pupil Premium Strategy

Click here to see 19 - 20 Pupil Premium Strategy


In the Financial Year 2019-20 we received a total Allocation of £23,730

Desired Outcome



For children to achieve at the same rate as their peers in English and Maths with an increased focus on KS1


For those children working at Greater depth be secure in this standard.


A teacher/HLTA to take classes each week so the class teacher could run extra pre-teach and corrective teaching sessions for the Pupil Premium children.


To enable children to work on a computer at home and school and develop their maths and spelling skills.

The purchase of My Maths, Abacus, TT Rockstars and RWI spelling


To enable children to complete their homework in school where it is difficult at home.


TA support in classes to support children with their English and Maths


All FSM children attend the Residential visits in Y4 and Y6

Financial Assistance to enable disadvantaged Pupil Premium children to attend the school residential visits and music lessons.


For those children with specific difficulties to receive targeted support to help them make greater progress.

TA Support


For children to be supported in their reading.

TA support for those who are not being heard regularly at home.

Purchase of a new Phonics Reading Scheme

Purchase of Reading Plus


For Service children to feel supported

Staffing for a Forces Club to support our Service children.







 Due to the school being shut due to COVID and the cancellation of the Residential visit due to COVID the expenditure for Pupil Premium was less than expected. 



Click here to see 18-19  Pupil Premium Strategy


In the Financial Year 2018-19 we received a total Allocation of £18,495

Desired Outcome



For children to achieve at the same rate as their peers in English and Maths


For those children working at Greater depth be secure in this standard.


A teacher to take classes so the class teacher could run extra pre-teach and corrective teaching sessions for the Pupil Premium children.


For children to be supported in their reading in order to achieve at the same rate as their peers.

A teaching Assistant to do 1 to 1 reading and comprehension sessions with the children


For children to achieve at the same rate as their peers in English and Maths


TA support in classes to support children with their English and Maths


All FSM children attend the Residential visits in Y4 and Y6

Financial Assistance to enable disadvantaged Pupil Premium children to attend the school residential visits.


For Service children to feel supported

Staffing for a Forces Club to support our Service children.


For children to achieve at the same rate as their peers in Maths


My Maths and TT Rockstars subscription









Click here to view the impact report for 2018-19 

Click here to see 17-18 Pupil Premium Strategy

Pupil Premium Spending 2017- 18

In the Financial Year 2017-18 we were funded for:

  • 10 pupils who received Free School Meals Premium
  • 24 pupils from a Service Premium
  • Total Allocated: £24,960
  •  By end of the year we had 17 disadvantaged and 28 service children

Spending in the academic year 2017-18

Desired outcome Item Cost Impact
Engage parents so they can support learning Structured Conversations with parents £2400 in supply cover Parent consultations of a far longer length were held with parents of disadvantaged children. Parents found this very useful and were far more engaged with the learning of the children, The staff were able to set specific targets and show parents how to support their children at home. feedback from parents was very positive.

To support engagement of disadvantaged children by ensuring they stay on task.

TA support in Y5/6 £10960 Due to the nature of the Y5 and Y6 classes TA support was put in Y5 and Y6 during maths lessons to support Pupil Premium children and enable them to to focus on the work set and enable them to get on quickly with their work. The TA was able to support them straight away so they did not need to  wait for support. This meant all disadvantaged children reached EXS or better in these classes.
For children to achieve at the same rate as their peers in English

Weekly Speech and Language activities as set down by the Speech therapist.

Weekly intervention on Spelling and Handwriting strategies

£1092  A Teaching Assistant  was employed to provide intervention for specific pupil premium children to help them improve their spelling and Handwriting and the speech and language of a specific child. The child on Speech and language was discharged following this work. The children's spelling and handwriting improved and enabled them to achieve more highly in the end of year assessments.

For children to achieve at the

same rate as their peers in Maths

HLTA employed to support small groups in Y5 and Y6 during their daily maths lesson.

TA to take plugging the gaps group

TAs employed for an extra 15 minutes a day so that the staff could take a 'Keep Up Not Catch Up group for maths'


The HLTA worked daily with groups of children to support them become more secure in their maths learning. All disadvantaged children reached EXS or better in maths in these classes.

A TA was took a small group weekly to plug any maths gaps identified by the teacher in their learning.

All teachers in KS2 took these maths groups on a daily basis.

Give service children a chance to talk and share feelings if they wish. Provide a point of contact and enable them to support looking after the school grounds.

Employ a TA to run a weekly Forces Club £520 This club was run at lunchtime for Service Children This gave children time to talk about issues in their lives and support the school at making it look good. This was a good time for children to share if they needed to and feel supported

Impact on Pupil Progress


In Reception the one disadvantaged child did not achieve a good level of development

In Ks1 all 3 children achieved expected or better with two children achieving GDS in some or all subjects. One child moved from expected to greater depth in reading.

In KS2 all Y6 disadvantaged children achieved expected or greater depth. One GD child made less than exected progress in Reading and maths.

In Y5 all children reached expected or better. All made expected progress except one GD

Y4 two of the three disadvantaged children made expected progress. One child did not make expected progress in writing.

Y3 All children made expected progress with one child making better than expected in writing.

Disadvantaged children have meade better progress this year than last year.  There is an issue with the progress of some of the Greater Depth children and this will be an area for focus next year's strategy.

 Click here to see 16 -17 Pupil Premium Strategy


2015-16 Pupil Premium Spending

In the Financial Year 2015-16 we were funded for:

  • 11 pupils who received Free School Meals Premium
  • 2 pupils classed as Looked After
  • 30 pupils from a Service Premium
  • Total Allocated: £27,320

Spending in the academic year 2015-16




Teaching Assistants to lead Intervention groups or give in class   support.                             

£ 15,392

Teaching Assistants have led a number of interventions through the   year to support Pupil Premium Children. They have also supported children when   they have misunderstood a concept they have been taught and need some extra   teaching input.  For impact see progress below.

First Class@maths intervention support for pupil premium children in   Y3


A group of Pupil Premium children took part in a maths intervention   specifically focussed on improving maths skills of children in Y3. This   intervention took place three times a week. Through the raising of confidence   in basic maths skills the children achieved between 60 and 75% of the objectives for Maths in Y3.

`Achievement For All’ project. Supporting parents in helping their   children make progress.


A number of the Pupil Premium children have been chosen to be part of   the ‘Achievement for All’ project. The Pupil Premium money has been used to   release staff to have longer parents meetings with parents and to agree   targets. This has had a positive impact on the children and their progress.  It has also had a very positive impact on parental engagement with very   positive feedback from parents on the whole project.

Phonics support in Y1 for pupil premium children


This intervention targeted two pupil premium children who were   struggling with their phonics which had a particular impact on their reading. Both children from starting lower than the other children in the class passed   their phonics screening test and were working at the expected level for their year group.

Home-School link worker


The schools Home-School link worker left her job at Christmas. During   the Autumn term she worked with a number of pupil premium families supporting   them with a range of issues including behaviour and supporting children to attend school.

Forces Club


Forces club has been run by a member of staff for one lunch time a   week. This has given the children time to talk to each other about their   experiences and enabled them to work together to improve the school environment.

Y4 and Y6 Maths Booster classes


A teacher has been running booster classes with Y4 and 6 this year.   This has enabled children to work individually and in small groups on   concepts they have struggled with. The impact of this has meant children have   achieved a higher number of objectives than they would have otherwise have   done. In Y4 and Y6 55% of the Pupil Premium children have reached the expected standard in maths this year.

Pupil Tracking Software


This has been used to track the pupil premium children and to put in place interventions that will support these children.

Specialist maths software


This has been used to target maths objectives in KS1. All but two children ended the year working on or above the expected level for their year group.

Resilience training at Carlton Lodge outdoor Centre.


Pupil Premium children spent a day at an outdoor centre doing   activities where they had to push themselves to do challenging activities   that were out of their comfort zone. It was great to see their resilience with these activities.


Impact on Pupil Progress


KS1 Children

In KS1 there were 5 children who qualified as Free School Meal or Looked after Pupil Premium children. 100% of these achieved their year group expectations in Reading, 40% (2 children) in writing and 100% in maths. 


KS2 Children

In KS2 there were 9 children who qualified as Free School Meal and Looked After Pupil Premium children. In reading 56% (5 children) were working at or above their year group expectations, 56% in writing and 44% (4 children) in maths.

For the Service pupils

For our KS1 service children in reading 67% (4 children) were working at or above their year group expectations, 50% (3 children) in writing and 67% in maths.

For our KS2 service children in reading 75% (12 children) were working at or above their year group expectations, 75% in writing and 63% (10 children) in maths.

The Head Teacher, Senior Leadership and all teaching staff maintain an on- going programme of support for Pupil Premium pupils, which is subject to the oversight of the Governors’ Finance and School Development Committees.


If you would like to find out how money was spent in past years please click here for 2011-2013, here for 2013-2014 and here for 2014-2015.