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School Day

Morning Session:

Reception 9.00 am - 11.55 am 

Key Stage 1  9.00 am - 11.55 am 

Key Stage 2  8.55 am - 12.15 noon   

Afternoon Session:

Reception 1.00 pm - 3.15 pm 

Key Stage 1  1.00 pm - 3.25 pm

Key Stage 2  1.15 pm - 3.30 pm


Total opening hours KS1- 32.5 hours, KS2 - 32.9 hours


School Arrival

Reception and Key Stage One children should arrive at school between 8.45am and 9am. Reception children should be brought straight to their classroom door. KS1 children must be brought to the Key Stage One playground where a member of the staff team will be supervising. The children will go straight into school. For KS1 parents dropping off in the layby there is a drop off service. Children may be left at the main school gate with a member of staff who will escort them to their classrooms.

Key Stage 2 children should arrive on the school playground between 8.45 am and 8.55 am and line up down the entrance path. There will be no supervision by school staff before this time. Doors will be open at 8.45pm  children to come into school. We would really like the KS2 children to be here for this time so we can maximise the morning learning.  If parents need to leave their children before 8.45am they are able to use The Learning Tree Out of School Club.

Collection of Children from School

Parents and careers of children in class R are asked to collect their children from the classroom door at the end of the day in order to ensure a safe hand over.

Children in class 1 and 2 will be brought out onto the KS1 playground at 3.25pm. Parents should wait on the playground. Staff will allow children to go once they are satisfied the appropriate adults are there to collect the children. Children will not be allowed to play on the school equipment at this time.

Parents/carers collecting older children are asked to wait in the yard or outside the school gates.

It is important that parents/carers do not park their cars in the staff car park and we encourage parents/carers not to park in the lay-by which is needed for school buses. We also request that parents/carers do not obstruct the driveways of residents in the village or create a safety hazard by double parking.

Cars can be parked at the Carlton Miniott playing fields. Not only does this avoid congestion outside the school gates, it also ensures that children start the day with a small amount of beneficial fresh air and exercise.