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Our School Curriculum

Nurturing successful learners; growing responsible citizens

This page sets out our overarching aims and structure for the curriculum at Carlton Miniott Primary Academy. If you would like to know more about a particular subject please go to the Curriculum menu at the bottom of the page and select the subject you want to look at. With the support of Elevate Multi-Academy Trust, our curriculum has been reviewed and re-written this year and is in the process of being implemented.

Elevate Curriculum Framework

Our School Curriculum Overview

When designing our curriculum for our school there were three main things that we wanted to achieve. 

  • Raise aspirations and the drive to be successful
  • Develop the children as good citizens in the school and wider community
  • Deepen the children's learning with real life experiences

 Curriculum Intent

At Carlton Miniott Primary Academy we want our children to be happy and secure. We want them to love learning and embrace challenge.  We believe that the purpose of education is to nurture responsible citizens of the future and to enable them to make a positive contribution to society and care for the wider world.  Our curriculum is designed to inspire ambition in our pupils, to broaden their horizons and empower them, with the knowledge and skills, to achieve success in their future lives.


We have designed a broad, balanced curriculum that:

  • provides clear progression in subject knowledge and skills​ and enables children to gain deep understanding and sustained mastery as they move through school. 
  •  is filled with rich, first-hand, purposeful experiences​ that excite, engage and inspire our pupils.
  • allows time and space for creativity and imagination.
  • is outward-looking and uses environments and expertise beyond the classroom
  • has a local, national and global dimension 


How we implement our Curriculum

At the heart of our curriculum are core knowledge and skills. Each set of year group core knowledge and skills comes from the National Curriculum and the Elevate subject progression documents. The progression for each of our subjects can be found on the subject pages on the curriculum menu or on the  subject area links at the bottom of this page. These core knowledge and skills are added to with unit specific knowledge and broader themes that teachers will plan in to their units of work. Surrounding all this will be work we do linked to our school values.











Children are at the heart of all we do.

Because we value child-centredness…

We make learning fun by planning exciting, engaging activities and lessons that are responsive to children’s interests.

We offer a wide variety of learning experiences and learning contexts, as part of a broad and balanced curriculum.

We offer a wide range of extra-curricular clubs.

We nurture individual talents.

We use accurate assessment in order to tailor our teaching to individual needs.

We take time to listen to children and give them a voice in decision making.

We encourage children to be imaginative and creative by allowing them freedom and choice.

We ensure that all children develop warm, secure relationships and feel a sense of belonging.


We place great emphasis on respecting ourselves, each other and other people within our school community and wider society.

Because we value respect

All members of our school community treat each other with mutual respect.

We are polite and well-mannered.

We celebrate diversity and foster understanding and acceptance of people of all faiths, races, gender, ages, disability and sexual orientation.

We are inclusive of each unique individual and promote all forms of equality.

We have high expectations for the way in which we treat our property, resources and equipment. We maintain a tidy and orderly school environment.

We promote the British values of Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.


We encourage our school family to show compassion and to care and for other people and the world around us.

Because we value kindness…

We find out about local, national and global charities and support their work.

We embrace opportunities to ‘give something back.’

We provide opportunities for older children to care for younger children.

We do not tolerate bullying and act swiftly to eradicate it.

PSHCE teaching helps children to develop empathy and understanding of the feelings and actions of others.



We endeavour to work together harmoniously as a school family and to recognise our roles and responsibilities within our local community and as global citizens.

Because we value community…

We encourage children to work collaboratively on projects in order to develop effective teamwork skills.

We have close links with local businesses and churches.

We develop opportunities for children to take part in community projects in order to foster care and responsibility for our local area.

We provide opportunities for our children to work with pupils from other schools.



We encourage ambitious learners who aim to be the best that they can be.

Because we value learning…

We provide a positive, supportive, safe learning environment where children are willing to take risks and are not afraid to make mistakes.

We challenge children to aim high.

We promote growth-mindset so that children believe that they can achieve anything if they work hard at it.

We have high expectations of pupil progress and achievement.

We teach children to be responsible, resilient and resourceful so that they can become courageous, independent learners.

We celebrate achievement in all areas of the curriculum.

We help children to make connections within and across subjects by developing thematic units of work.


We want to ensure that all members of our school family are healthy and happy and we do all we can to promote complete physical, mental and social well-being.

Because we value well-being…

We ensure that our school curriculum promotes well-being by including opportunities for children to…

connect with other people.

keep learning.

stay active.

give to others.

take notice of the world around us

care for our planet


We aim for our staff to achieve healthy work/life balance.



Our Curriculum starts in our Reception Class. We plan carefully to ensure that children’s learning is effective, exciting, varied and progressive. Our curriculum is mapped out across the year to ensure that children have opportunities to develop knowledge and skills in all the areas of learning, progressively building towards the Early Learning Goals and beyond.  Our over-arching themes enable us to plan experiences that will excite and motivate children to investigate and explore new learning.  Our themes are responsive to children’s interests, current events and the world around us.



Find out about the progression of your child's learning by clicking on this button


 Year 1 and Year 2

The curriculum for the children in Year 1 and Year 2 are based around an overarching topic theme that is linked to the History, Geography or Science. Maths and English are taught every day, PE is taught twice a week. 

Our Themes are:


 Find out about what each year group is learning

  in each subject. by clicking on these buttons.




Year 3 t0 Year 6

From Y3 to Y6 the curriculum has been designed to keep the fidelity of the subject areas. Each subject is taught discretely but links are made where it is appropriate to do so. Most subjects are taught on a weekly basis. Geography and History are the drivers for our curriculum in KS2 and these are taught half termly. Below are the areas of History and Geography we will be studying.

 Find out about what each year group is learning in each subject. by clicking on these buttons.


 During each term the staff try to plan in an educational visit, invite a visitor into school or arrange an experience for the children. We use specialists in PE, MFL and Music to provide consistency and depth in the learning of these subjects and the develop performance in Music and PE.


Subject Areas

Find out about what we teach in each subject area by visiting the subject pages below.


Relationships and Sex Education 
The Relationships and Sex Curriculum was updated through consultation with staff, parents and children. We teach through the school by using a range of children's books and resources and details of these can be found by clicking on the Relationships button above or in the policy below.

 elevate-rse-and-phse-policy 2023 final.pdfDownload
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 If you require any other information about the school curriculum please email the school at