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Carlton Miniott Primary Academy News

The latest news stories from Carlton Miniott Primary Academy.


News Stories

  • Class 3 Trip to North Yorkshire Moors Railway - Sept '24
    Class Three recently had an exciting visit to the North Yorkshire Moors Railway. The children were excellent  ambassadors for our school with lovely manners and fantastic behaviour. 
  • Yarn Bombers Presentation
    Thirsk Yarnbombers came to school to present a net of knitted poppies.  These poppies were knitted by Year 10 pupils of Thirsk School and will be put on display in school during Remembrance Week.
  • KS1 Multiskills
    A team of 10 pupils from Years 1 and 2 enjoyed a sunny afternoon at Thirsk High School taking part in lots of Multiskills activities like throwing Frisbees, riding Space Hoppers, Hola Hooping and many more.
  • Class 2 Trip to Thirsk Races
    During our trip to Thirsk Racecourse, we had a lot of fun!  We met the horses and jockeys and learned a lot about horse racing.
  • Secret Garden
    An amazing team of willing volunteers, recently answered the call to rescue our Secret Garden from the summer invasion of brambles and storm debris.  In just a few hours the garden was transformed!
  • KS1 Fun Run
    KS1 went to Sowerby Primary School for a Fun Run.  The children ran 2 laps of the school field and showed great determination and perseverance!  
  • Yr 6 Kingswood Residential - July 24
    Year 6 have completed their residential visit to Kingswood and, again, we were proud of their behaviour  during the week. 
  • Year 4 Trip to Fountains Abbey and Ripon Cathedral
    This trip was a brilliant conclusion to our 'Fountains Abbey' local history topic.  A fantastic day was had by all!
  • Thirsk Big Summer Sing - July '24
    Thank you and congratulations to the Year 4 children on their amazing singing performance at the "Thirsk Big Summer Sing", at Thirsk High School, which was organised by Mrs Wilford. 
  • Bugsy - Yrs 5/6 Production June '24
    The Yrs 5/6 Production of Bugsy was a great success. Well done to all the children for learning lines, dances and helping backstage.
Showing 21-30 of 151